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Jimmy Lindley

by RobertS

Was ex-jockey and BBC TV pundit Jimmy Lindley ever banned from riding or married to a racehorse trainers daughter?

Answer: As yet I have been unable to unearth any information on this subject - perhaps a reader can contribute.

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May 09, 2021
Jimmy Lindley
by: Anonymous

Jimmy was a great jockey who did my family a big favour in the 60s.

My father followed Jeremy Trees stablehand and won a lot of money (enough to buy a 3 bed terrace house) on two horses.

Monet, who won the Stewards Cup and Persian Road who won the Ebor. Jimmy couldn't ride Persian Road as he was not light enough but the replacement was'nt bad, a certain G Moore.

Persian Road was owned by the US ambassador, John Hay Whiteney and he told everyone at the Durham Miners Gala it would win. Happy days!

Apr 16, 2021
A Dream of Indiana
by: BigH

I remember Jimmy Lindley for winning the St Leger on Indiana.

I was at school but horses mad and could read form. However I had a dream of my mother telling me the winner of the St Leger which was Indiana.

I told her in the morning of the race before I went off to school of the dream I had of her sitting in the front room and me asking her what won the St Leger.

When I got back from school, there she was in the front room and it was like a rerun of my dream. I asked her what had won and she said ' you know already what won'.

It was also the day before my father got paid and she had about five pounds left in her purse but went and put it all on Indiana.

For her fiver her winnings was about three weeks wages or more and I got a bike from the winnings.

Oct 10, 2020
Admiration for J.Lindley
by: Jack Keane

I am delighted to read so many comments about Jimmy Lindley.

I hope he is well and recognises how highly he is regarded among those who were introduced into the world of horse racing in the 1950s and the 1960s.

My first ever bet was on Dual in the 1961 Derby but the horse just didn't stay the extra 2 furlongs after Jimmy had ridden it in to a possible winning position.

I profited from many of Jimmy's rides, in particular a winner called D'Urberville.

I remember, too, Jimmy's win on Kashmir in the 1966 2,000 Guineas; the horse he beat by a very narrow margin was Great Nephew -ridden by Bill Rickaby - the sire of both Grundy and Shergar.

I love to hear memories of those days and would like to share recollections of the likes of Ray Reader, Des Cullen, David East, Russ Maddock (who won me an absolute fortune on a horse called Mandamus) and many others.

Today's coverage of the sport doesn't pay enough tribute to the giants of the past.

My respect for Jimmy Lindley doesn't detract from my admiration for Lester Piggott, whose wins on Roberto and The Minstrel in the Derby remain in my mind as if yesterday. (Always felt sorry for Ernie Johnson on Rheingold)

PS My biggest ever gambling win was in 1978; Frankie Durr rode Roland Gardens to victory in the 2,000 Guineas at 28-1 and Roger Osborne scored the first goal in the English FA Cup Final at 22-1.

I had them doubled with a tenner.

Sep 08, 2020
A message for Jimmy Lindley
by: Simon

Hello to Doozer,

I would like to contact Mr Lindley.

I am restoring a wooden cabin cruiser that he used to own and wondered if he had any pictures of it during his ownership and also if he could let me know of any history of the boat.

Thank you.


May 20, 2020
by: Doozer

Jimmy is my next door neighbour in Newbury and has lived here for 40+ years. He is a wonderful man and still a character

Apr 09, 2020
Great memories
by: Elwyn Richards

I was in my young teens during the early 1960s but I have such wonderful memories of those days. I never knew Jimmy Lindley, but I used to watch him riding and he was always a favourite jockey of mine. I have all the Raceform Annuals of 1960-1961-1962 and 1963, and I often leaf through the pages and relive many of the memories of the televised races from those days.So many horses, jockeys and trainers, they were just magical times for me personally, even if I did play truant just to watch the horse racing. There are so many horses that Jimmy Lindley rode that spring to mind.Indiana,Oasis,Gustav, Piccadilly,Best Song, Dual, Ambergris and so many others.
I just wish it were possible to travel back in time to those carefree days.

Mar 22, 2020
Jolly times
by: shaun

Very jolly to read these.

Jimmy was/is great looking,
and such a good rider.
He rode a fine race on Only For Life
int the 2000 Guineas to win by a short head,
and next day nearly won the 1000 on Spree.

He also rode a great two year old, Double Jump.

These all trained by J Tree.

And of course his win on Aggressor against Petite Etoile
is for the ages.

Mar 05, 2019
Brings back memories
by: Fred

I knew Jimmy Lindley’s sisters; me and my mates used to go to his dad's cafe in the road that went down by the side of the Hurst Arms.

I used to have a flutter on the horses and his dad and I were on speaking terms. His two sisters were a nice couple but Jimmy must have been younger than them, as I am 93 years old this year.

His dad, I remember, opened his newer cafe in Upperton Road at the entrance to Manor Gardens, the park I loved as a child. And now grown up, I would love to hear from any of the family, as it was, in them days, a nice place to go and have a cup of tea.

I do believe it was two pence a cup, in old money. It was a good cafe and most builders used to go there.

If any one has news say hi and if any one knows anything please reply - that includes you Jimmy Lindley. By Fred E

Jan 07, 2019
by: Mary flynn

My dad Kevin Flynn worked for Jimmy,s father in law in upper lambourn and I use to play with his children and Joe Mercer,s children

May 04, 2018
learnt his trade & first winner
by: Anonymous

Jimmy learnt to ride by going foxhunting at young age as My Grandfather took me he like to see it ( Not the killing of Fox ) just all the tradition

Jimmy had his first winner at Brighton Race Course in 1952

Was genious at commentating. Was in Pub with him & he got up on stage & commentated on fictitious race. It was just like it was happening

Feb 27, 2018
Where abouts is he?
by: Simon

Hello, I would like to contact Jimmy Lindley. I have recently bought a boat he used to own (A Fairey Huntsman 31) and would like to know if he has any photographs of himself with the boat and any history he could share.

I would be very grateful if anyone could help.

I can be contacted on

Thank you

Apr 25, 2017
Early Childhood
by: B M D

I remember Jimmy back in 1947; he lived at that time in Upperton Rd, Eastbourne. His father fell foul of the taxman at the cafe in the Goffs he ran around 1948.

Jimmy used to go to Downsmeade school and I remember the headmaster asking the class what they wanted to do when they started work. Jimmy put his hand up and said: "A jockey, sir".

Willy Wilson the head said: "No you're not". Jimmy replied: "I am, sir!"

For speaking back Jimmy got 6 strokes on his bottom!

Apr 12, 2016
Jimmy Lindley
by: Mike Baker

Jimmy Lindley was my favourite jockey from the 1960's. I backed Only For Life in the 1963 2000 Guiness at 33-1. Would surely have won many more big races had he not had weight problems. Great guy too had a nice chat with him at Goodwood a few years ago. Hope Jimmy is doing well.

Oct 02, 2015
Best Jocky
by: Captain Henry Taylor

Jimmy Lindley is my Uncle hav"nt seen him since 1968
One of his sister's married an American not Canadian
I'M VERY proud of my Uncle I tell my friends he was the best jockey ever in the late 50s and 60s and would have went longer except for his weight .
Captain Henry Taylor
Master US Merchant Marines

Jul 27, 2015
Is it the same Jimmy lindley I know about
by: Anonymous

i think he used to live in Eastbourne his father as I always thought had a cafe also two good looking sisters I believe married Canadians his father worked on the ship that sunk off beachy head as a diver I , might have made a complete mistake but I did know the cafe owner named Lindley and I know that the father as I believe of Jimmy Lindley was his son

Dec 23, 2014
To Sarah
by: Anonymous

I was also an old girlfriend but of Mark when he was also about 16 or 17 when they lived in Newbury I have always wondered what happened to him?

Nov 13, 2014
nice guy
by: Anonymous

i grew up with jimmy,and his family in upper lambourn,my dad worked for jimmy,s father in law.

Feb 25, 2014
by: Sarah

Yes! Jimmy married Pat a racehorse trainers daughter and they had two sons, Bruce and Mark who are now in their late forties. Bruce is an ex boyfriend of mine (years ago when we were 17). Jimmy was an amazingly talented jockey and presenter and a great guy! Really lovely family who looked after me as a girl from a broken home. Thanks guys!

May 17, 2013
foolish twerp
by: billy

jimmy lindley was married 23 times, he has 109 children and never saw but two of them, he,s my all time jockey, what a guy

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