Tired of losing money betting on the horses?
Reluctant to pour fees into the pockets of tipsters?
Then strike out on your own by harnessing the consistency of a reliable betting bot.
Tried one before? BetBotPro is different.
Here are the benefits:
1. Low cost - Eur 59.97 per year Lifetime Eur 99.97
Typical competitor: GBP £119.95 per year no lifetime available
2. Load selections to be placed e.g. from a tipster or your own
3. Great support and help manuals
4. Easy to set up plans as described on this page (see below)
5. Simulation Mode available to test strategies before betting for real
6. Choose between Betfair software or Betdaq versions
Betfair software, known as an API (Application Program Interface) is the clever bit that allows betting bots to access the markets on the Betfair Exchange website.
I have reviewed betting bots elsewhere on this site so I was intrigued when I recently came across a new automated betting software application known as Betbotpro. As advances are being made and new features become available I decided to give it a try.
The staff are friendly and helpful and I was offered a free trial (12 months) in return for a review. You can obtain a normal free trial for 7 days.
Getting up and running with a new bot can be a steep learning curve but I found the User Manual comprehensive and easy to use. It tells you what is required to run the bot, namely a Windows based PC with Microsoft .Net 4.7 installed.
Installation was quick and pain free and there is a useful Quick Start help file to get you up and running with videos which demonstrate the principals.
Read on to find out how I got on…...
I am given the choice of downloading either Betfair software or Betdaq. You can probably choose both if you want but you will need a funded account with whichever exchange you choose.
As I already have a Betfair software account I choose this option. As the software runs on your computer I am advised that Microsoft .NET 4.7 is required and given the option to download it.
Before downloading the software I am given the option to read the operating manual which I do. This means that I won’t waste valuable trial time getting to know all the functions available.
Apart from reading the manual there are also videos you can watch.
I download the software without a problem and obtained the token sent to my email address which allows me to use the software.
I wanted to start by placing a manual each way bet on horse racing in Ireland. I followed the user manual Getting Started instructions with regard to loading races and events.
Betfair software has changed all the place locations to 2 letter abbreviations Great Britain is now GB and Ireland IE.
NB some of the help manual screenshots are taken before this change so you might see references to GBR and IRE.
Most of the functions on Betfair Exchange are available on Betbotpro
For those new to the software there is a facility to paper trade in simulation mode. This enables you to get to know the platform before risking real money. It is also useful if you are trying out a new system or source of tips.
Latest updates: The Lay horses 3rd and 4th fav has suffered a set back, losing a large chunk of the bank. This was entirely my own fault for not setting a max stake liability which resulted in lay stakes that were much too big. I won't make this mistake again. I have reduced stakes and will gradually re-build the bank. I have also changed the plan so that it only places bets on the 3rd fav.
The Maria Plan and the Lay the Fav Plan have been paused as they were not proving reliably profitable. To take their place I have devised 2 new plans to replace them. I am now testing a Greyhounds back the fav plan and a new horse laying plan. You should begin to see the results of these showing in the results feed above.
The dutching plan I run was not placing some bets when I changed to live mode. Admin advised me to set the min and max number of bets setting to 2. This ensured there would always be two selections to dutch on.
Nov 15th 2019 update: The Greyhounds plan is not reliable and has now been dropped but the the new horse lay plan is doing well and produced £38.51 in live mode since starting on November 5th. This is an average of £8.46 per day over the first 10 days using stakes of £1.50 - £2.0. However because the strike rate averages 6 wins to every loss I have started using a Loss Recovery system available on the Betfair software. This looks promising in simulation mode so we'll see how that performs.
Betfair Software Test Day 1
I decide to use the live mode but with low stakes using manual placed bets from a reliable source. I set up a bank on my Betfair software of £10 for the purposes of this review. This is one of the advantages of using betting software such as Betbotpro as you can use stakes as low as £0.01.
I win 2 bets and lose 2 and end the day with neither gain nor loss. Bank remains at £10.00
Betfair Software Test Day 2
I continue by placing manual bets but decide to try using one of the staking plans available, the Maria staking plan. This originally applied to a laying system, but can also be used for backing. It decides on a percentage of your bank for the stake based on the odds.
I place 8 bets, 5 to win and 3 to place. I leave the bot running without interference and the software works perfectly, placing the bets according to the Maria staking plan.
Bank ends the day at £9.73
Betfair Software Test Day 3
In order to run different systems at the same time you need to create what are known as Instances. When I started to use the software for the first time and loaded GB horse racing markets, an instance was created automatically. When I log in again this instance is reloaded unless I create further instances.
Today I decide to test the automatic selection of favourites in handicaps while using the Maria staking plan. On first logging in I use the existing Instance to make my manual selections and it is possible to create new Instance from within an existing one.
So, after choosing to create a new Instance, I then set this up to select 1st favourites in handicaps, backed to win, using the Maria staking plan. Checking it after a few races I discover no bets have been placed.
I also added Ireland to the GB horse markets but for some reason only the GB markets loaded. I’ll try again tomorrow and see if I have been doing something wrong. I also set this to run in simulation mode and set the bank wallet to be used at £100.
I decided to set up another Instance just for the Irish Markets and having done that placed 2 manual bets, a win and place on the same horse. However the software failed to place these bets. So it appears I was doing something wrong here.
Bank ended the day at £9.63
Betfair Software Test Day 4
Loaded original Instance and placed 8 manual bets to be placed using Maria staking
Also set up a new Instance with manual selections to be placed using Maria staking and to run in simulation mode. Fingers crossed it works today. If not support sending screenshots of any problems.
All worked fine today, so it must have been an error in setting up by me yesterday. The simulation mode was interesting and I was able to test a new system using the Maria staking plan which shows some promise.
Bank ended the day at £9.54
Betfair Software Test Day 5
As the Maria staking plan worked well in simulation mode I decide to make it live for today. There were just 2 areas in which it did not fare well, Irish races and all weather races (Wolverhampton) so I am avoiding any of those for today.
I also set up 2 other Instances in simulation mode to test different staking plans; one for Fibonacci and the other for Dutching.
All Instances worked correctly. The Fibonacci staking lost over £100 in simulation but the dutching made a profit especially at Kempton a.w. However the Maria staking plan had a losing day with live betting.
Bank ended the day at £8.71
Betfair Software Test Day 6
Set Maria plan and Dutching Instances to run and added one for Dutching with target profit although I could not see where you set the target profit but it may be where you set the minimum stake (currently £2) and as it turned out this was the case.
Both Dutching plans produced a small loss but I did notice that at various points in the day both these were in profit. I remember reading in the Help manual that patience is required and one should not be greedy. From this I understand that it is best to set a profit goal for the day and when achieved, the bot is stopped.
This also applied to the Maria plan although we did end up with a small profit.
Bank ended the day at £8.93
Betfair Software Test Day 7
I have amended the Bet settings of all plans to stop when a set profit is achieved. The 2 Dutching plans soon made their required profits after just a few races. The Maria plan was rather up and down and did not look likely to achive the profit I had set so I stopped it manually when the bank had risen to £9.11; a profit on the day of £0.18.
Bank ended the day at £9.11
Betfair Software Test Day 8
In view of the ease with which the Dutching plans achieved their profits yesterday I decide to make the dutching profit one live and put the Maria back on simulation mode and maybe tinker with the settings.
I notice the Instances that are running on simuation mode reset the virtual wallet (your bank that you set up to bet with) rather than carry over any profit or loss from the previous day. There is a box on the Bet Settings that says Keep values after reload that I had ticked but this did not appear to affect the Virtual Wallet.
Also when you change an Instance from simulation to Live the Wallet does not change from Virtual to the Exchange Wallet.
The idea of changing the Dutching Profit Instance to live was not a success mainly because I did not reduce the stakes sufficiently and the wallet (Betfair software balance) rapidly fell to £1.23 at which point the Stop facility for losses kicked in and stopped any further betting.
The Maria and Dutching Fixed Stake also made a small loss.
This situation prompted me to take a close look at past results of all 3 Instances and make a few adjustments to the settings.
Maria plan was reduced to max 8 runners and only bet on National Hunt races. All Instances put back on Simulation mode until they are more consistently profitable.
Bank ended the day at £1.23
Betfair Software Test Day 9
The Dutching Set Profit plan worked perfectly - the wallet was set at £100, the profit per bet was set at £2 and the profit set for the day was £10. The first 5 bets all won and the bot stopped having achieved a £10.07 profit.
The Dutching Stake plan achieved a profit of £0.32
I created a new Instance to attempt to catch big price winners in GB and Ireland flat and jumps races. I based it on a Fixed Staking plan setting the price range 15.0 to 41.0; runners 9 - 14; profit target for the day £10.
This achieved a loss of £12 reducing an initial £100 wallet of £100 to £88. But it did catch a 21.0 and 19.0 winner on a day (Saturday) when there were few big priced winners, so I will persevere with this plan as I think it has potential.
The Maria Staking plan performed a little better producing a profit of £1.72
There was no live betting today - I shall wait until I have several consistent strategies tested in simulation mode.
Betfair Software Test Day 10
The Dutching Set Profit plan again made a profit albeit a small one of £1.78 as it ran out of races to bet on before it could reach the target profit of £10. This could be a bit ambitious with an initial bank of just £100. Although this has risen to £111.85 I think 5% of bank is more realistic so I shall adjust the target profit to £5.59 for tomorrow.
The Maria Staking plan again achieved a small profit of £1.26 and as the target profit for the day was just £1 the bot stopped after the first bet. The bank now stands at £102.98 and I think 3% of the bank is achievable so the target profit is £3.09 for tomorrow.
The bjg prices Fixed Staking plan again had a losing day although it missed out on a potential 50/1 winner as the max price was set at 41.0. So I might change that tomorrow and reduce the stakes to just 1% of bank which now stands at £47 after a loss of £41.
Betfair Software Test Day 11
I set up a new Instance for horse racing in South Africa, Australia and the US using the duthching set profit staking plan. I set the profit target for the day at £5 and achieved £6.35 after 14 bets. So it could prove a goer.
The big prices fixed staking plan gained another couple of big priced winners but not enough to make a profit and ended the day with the bank at £34.31
The Maria plan made a small loss of £0.23 and ended the day with the bank at £102.75
Not such a good day for the Dutching Set Profit for GB and Ire with a loss of £13.60 which leaves the bank on £98.25
Betfair Software Test Day 12
I set up 2 favourites Instances bettting the 1st 4 favourites using the dutching set profit plan. The first used GB and Ire markets and quickly achieved the £5 target profit and the bot stopped as requested. Using a bank of £500 this one made a profit of £6.08 leaving the bank at £506.08
The second used SA, US and AU markets. Using a bank of £200 this one made a loss of £19.73 leaving the bank at £192.12
The Big Prices fixed staking plan did not win a single bet today and ended the day with the bank at £21.62. I will abandon this plan as it does not appear viable after all.
The Maria plan made its target profit realising £3.79 and ended the day with the bank at £106.77
Betfair Software Test Day 13
Now we have some consistency in the results of our 4 plans I will total the days profit/loss and keep a running total.
Plan 1
1st 4 favourites using the dutching set profit SA, US and AU markets unfortunately stopped due to a failed internet connection and required reloading. I started over with a new bank of £500 and it made its target profit realising £12.16 and ended the day with the bank at £512.16
The fixed dutching and the big price fixed staking plans are now replaced with
Plan 2
Dutch set profit 1st 4 favs in play gb ire fr having a bank of £500 made its target profit, realising £12.07 and ended the day with the bank at £512.07
Plan 3
1st 4 favs dutching set profit gb and ire 09 having a bank of £500 made its target profit, using 1% of bank realising £13.77 and ended the day with the bank at £519.85
Plan 4
The Maria plan made its target profit realising £4.97 and ended the day with the bank at £111.74
Total profit for the day is £42.97
Running Total No 1 is £42.97
So far it looks as though the dutching plans are consistently profitable as long as a sensible daily target is set for each, depending on the size of the bank. The Maria plan has also proved consistent albeit at a lower level.
So far all plans have been for backing so tomorrow I will look at a lay plan to assess, using the impressive BetBotPro software.
Betfair Software Test Day 14
Plan 1
1st 4 favourites Dutching set profit SA, US and AU markets and it made its target profit realising £5.71 and ended the day with the bank at £517.87
Plan 2
1st 4 favs Dutching set profit GB IE FR made well over its target profit, realising £40.34 and ended the day with the bank at £552.41
Plan 3
The Maria plan did not run today but I have added more markets and now has AU US ZA GB IE FR
I also set up:
Plan 4
A Lay the Favourites Instance in the AU, FR, ZA and GB horse racing markets, having a bank of £500 made its target profit, using 1% of bank realising £5.03 and ended the day with the bank at £505.03
I keep a track of each plan with a simple spreadsheet giving daily and running results - see below:
Remarkably out of 19 total bets placed in the Lay the Favourites Instance, 16 were successful and only 3 were not.
Total profit for the day is £51.08
Running Total No 2 is £94.05
Betfair Software Test Day 15
Plan 1
1st 4 favourites Dutching set profit SA, US and AU markets and it made its target profit realising £6.46 and ended the day with the bank at £524.33
Plan 2
1st 4 favs Dutching set profit GB IE FR did the reverse of yesterday and produced a loss of £66.02 before being stopped by the max loss setting. Ended the day with the bank at £486.39
Plan 3
The Maria plan ran today and it made its target profit realising £1.97 and ended the day with the bank at £115.20
Plan 4
A Lay the Favourites Instance in the AU, FR, ZA and GB horse racing markets, ran for a long time but failed to make its target so I stopped it manually late evening. It made £0.19 and ended the day with the bank at £502.22
Total profit for the day is minus £57.04
Running Total No 2 is £37.01
Betfair Software Test Day 16
Plan 1
1st 4 favourites Dutching set profit SA, US and AU markets did not run today
Plan 2
1st 4 favs Dutching set profit GB IE FR got back on track making the required profit of £6.46. Ended the day with the bank at £492.85
Plan 3
The Maria plan ran today and after a lacklustre start by increasing the number of selections available to it. Results promptly improved and it went on to achieve its target profit realising £5.83 and ending the day with the bank at £121.03
Plan 4
The Lay the Favourites Instance in the AU, FR, ZA and GB horse racing markets I changed a little. The stake plan is to a fixed liability stake with an initial stake of £3 and betting on the 1st 2 favourites. It soon made the profit target of £2.09 and ended the day with the bank at £507.31. I decided to restart this instance to see just how much it could make. When I last checked it had gone past £20. I’ll leave it awhile longer. £22.94
Total profit for the day is plus £14.38
Running Total No 3 is £51.39
Betfair Software Test Day 17
Plan 1
1st 4 favourites Dutching set profit SA, US and AU markets - target profit for the day was £5.24 which was achieved by making £6.97 from the first 3 bets prompting the bot to stop trading. Ended the day with the bank at £531.30
Plan 2
1st 4 favs Dutching set profit GB IE FR got back on track making the required profit of £6.46. Ended the day with the bank at £492.85
Plan 3
The Maria plan got a further tweak today to bet only on handicaps. It achieves its target profit realising £12.25 and ending the day with the bank at £133.28
Plan 4
The Lay the Favourites Instance made a small loss of £3.45 and ended the day with the bank at £503.86.
Total profit for the day is plus £9.35
Running Total No 4 is £60.74
Further updates for results are recorded in the spreadsheets above
The 1st 4 favourites Dutching set profit SA, US and AU markets has not been performing well so I have replaced it with a new Instance 'Manual Selections using % of bank stake' The selections are based on racecourse performance stats and are all entered into the bot at the start of the day (usually 8-10 bets) which are then bet with a % of the current bank which is adjusted upwards only until the end of the day.
Head over to BetBotPro to see for yourself
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