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Newsletter - Wow - A Night To Remember January 23, 2019 |
Hi Well what an interesting and rewarding commentary by our Paddock Watcher Dee at Newcastle last night. The first thing to be aware of is that it was extremely cold which presented problems viewing the horses as they were all wearing heavy covers to keep warm. Several of my subscribers requested and received the information provided by Dee before each race and which I have included below as it came in. At the bottom I have added my own summary of all the races. It is significant to note that Bookmakers themselves subscribe to her services. Messages from Dee: Tonight i will forward to you what i send to my current clients and bookies which is, i say what i see. if i like one more than the rest i say so. i list positives in order of preference - i do have a couple of clients that only want a text when there is a standout - but this format is good for people who study form i need to say because it’s so cold horses have big covers on till they leave the paddock hence the late message - i do look at the pre parade ring but they dont always appear then - so warmer days you get messages much earlier Race 1 no one standout positives h1 h6 h8 negs Tue 4:07 PM Chris, phone sticking sorry thats 3 positive no negs Result: H5 won 6/1 - H1 6/5 and H8 6/1 placed 4:17 PM ================================================ Race 2 pre parade first comments haven’t seen them all h3 looking really good in his coat good size good energy h5 positive good energy and coat - h2 big strong - more comments when covers off Race 2 i like h3 best - h1 and h2 positives h4 lighter than the rest Result: H3 won SP 9/2 - H1 placed =========================================== Race 3 h7 slightly better than rest followed by h5 then h6 abd h3 - h1 average h4 neg very small Result: H6 won SP 2/1f - H1 9/4 and H7 10/1 placed =========================================== 5:12 PM Race 4 first comments - more to follow h1 biggest fit good coat -,h3 best energy h7 good energy h4 best coat quiet but might perk up when jock gets up h6 very small for a sprinter Race 4 h1 biggest best size for a sprinter but no standout here h2 good energy h4 great coat ok energy with jock up h5 very fit nice type h7 just ok Result: H1 won 9/4f - H3 11/1 placed =========================================== 5:44 PM Race 5 first comments more to come i really like h3 best energy for a sprinter good size and good coat h7 good energy well covered up h1 and h5 average - more to follow Race 5 with covers off h3 slightly better than rest no standout h1 h7 h8 good energy h2 very quiet for a sprinter h4 average but not neg h 6 strong good energy Result: H3 won 5/1 - H6 9/1 and H7 100/30 placed =========================================== Race 6 novice no standout h1 h4 h2 all look similar positives but not outstanding h4 just slightly better for me Result: H1 won 4/6 f - H4 3/1 placed =========================================== Race 7 first comments more to follow - h2 positive great coat good energy and size h1 positive strong good energy and coat h3 average haven’t seen h4 yet Race 7 with covers off i like h2 and h9 best h1 next best i like the energy and size of h5 - h4 h3 average h8 h9 negs h7 pos h9 neg Result: H5 won 7/2 - H3 14/1 and H2 11/2 placed =========================================== Race 8 first comments more to follow positives in order of preference h9 h5 h6 h7 h10 small for sprinting compared to others Result: H10 won 9/2 - H2 15/2 and H4 9/2 placed =========================================== My post meeting comments on Dee’s recommendations Race 1 no strong preference Race 2 strong preference for Rey Loopy which won 9/2 SP Race 3 slight preference for Areen Heart which placed at 10/1 Race 4 slight preference for Encore D’Or which won 9/4 Race 5 slight preference for Fendale which won 5/1 Race 6 no strong preference Race 7 strong positives for 3 horses of which one won 7/2 and one placed 11/2 Race 8 no strong preference although none of the positives placed Dee will be hosting her own page on shortly where you will be able to find out more on her service. Regards Chris |
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